Tuesday, April 19, 2011

2 Pounds...Almost

I joined a fancy gym about two months ago.  I needed something to occupy some of my time and give me a break from being mom all day long.  On April 12th I weighed in for their 90 day challenge.  Since no one reads this, I feel comfortable, although alittle embarassed, to say that I had gotten up to 183 pounds.  When I weighed in on April 12th I weighed 173.2 pounds.  Now that the challenge has begun I will weigh in every Tuesday. 

In my own defense, there have been many birthdays with many cakes, cookies, pizzas, etc. to go along with them.  We have also had a battery of illnesses over the last three weeks which meant no gym for me.  However, I weighed in today and I now weigh 171.6 pounds.  If I had lost nothing, my motivation might have been stunted (even though in all reality I should not have lost any weight) but I didn't.  I lost something.  Almost two pounds.  This gives me more motivation to not eat the cakes and the cookies and the rest of the junk around the house because I am imagining that I would have lost even more had I not indulged.  So, here's to better days and getting into a bathing suit this summer!

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